- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/a-day-or-two-after-easter-we-will-have-vaccinated-2-5-million-people/ -

A day or two after Easter, we will have vaccinated 2.5 million people

In a video recorded on site, which can be viewed on the Prime Minister’s social media account, he said when we think of vaccination, we always think of nurses and physicians, despite the fact that we should also think of warehouse workers, pilots, drivers and warehouse technicians as vaccination can only start with their work.

“They do this job every morning. Today is no exception, and we have a good chance – provided that things continue to proceed in order tomorrow and also the day after the tomorrow – that a day or two after Easter, we will have vaccinated 2.5 million people,” Mr Orbán said.