- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/a-new-unity-has-been-established/ -

A new unity has been established

The Prime Minister told the press that “We plan to amend the Constitution on four points, including one stipulating that the collective settlement of people in Hungary shall be prohibited; such settlement shall only be permitted on the basis of individual requests”. He added that the Cabinet would be reviewing the planned Bill in its Wednesday session.

At a press conference following Tuesday’s meeting of the ruling parties’ parliamentary groups, head of the Fidesz group Lajos Kósa said: “Initiatives supported by the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary groups must be put before the House by 10 October, after which Parliament will debate them on 17 November and hold a vote on 8 November. This means that, if adopted, the legislation could come into force in mid-November.”