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Hungarians look upon Slovenians as friends and Christian brothers and sisters

Photo: Cher Vivien Benko

The Prime Minister highlighted that he had brought the Hungarian people’s greetings and appreciation to the Slovenian people.

“When we come to Slovenia, we see a beautiful country. When we open the history book of Slovenia, we can read the story of a thousand-year-old nation. Thirty years ago, you earned your independence and freedom with enormous presence of mind and courage, almost without arms. The whole world understood that Slovenia is a country of the brave who demand their own country back,” he stressed.

He added that Hungarians understand what it means to fight against a superior force. A nation’s reputation is determined by its tradition, soul and pride, he highlighted.

“We can see the effort, the creativity and the calm fortitude with which you have made Slovenia spectacularly successful,” the Prime Minister added.

He observed that “the stronger, the richer and the happier a neighbour of ours is, the better it is for us Hungarians, too”. He stressed that such a country, such a neighbour also enhances the value of Hungary.

“We are proud of your friendship. Hungary pays tribute to the people and brave leaders of Slovenia. God bless Slovenia,” the Hungarian Prime Minister said in conclusion.

At the state celebration held on Friday evening at Republic Square in Ljubljana, speeches were delivered by Slovenian head of state Borut Pahor and Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa as well as by foreign guests including, in addition to Mr Orbán, President of the European Council Charles Michel, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio.

Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence thirty years ago, on 25 June 1991, which led to a war within the then Yugoslavia and started the disintegration of the federal state.