In his press statement made in English after the meeting, Mr Orbán stressed that Hungary supports Albania’s EU membership not only out of sympathy, but equally because this is in its best interests.
Without the prospect of membership, we cannot guarantee the continent’s security either in political or economic terms, he said.
Mr Orbán pointed out that he had cooperated with his Albanian counterpart for a long time as Edi Rama had won three consecutive elections.
This is very special in European politics, he laid down, congratulating his Albanian partner on his success.
The Prime Minister stated that there is no major political difference between the two countries, and what is most important is that Hungary supports Albania’s aspiration to join the European Union.
Regarding economic relations, Mr Orbán described OTP’s presence in Albania as the flagship of the two countries’ cooperation.
Experiences show that once there is a flagship project, it is followed by others, he said.
Mr Rama said thank you to Hungary for its support on the path that leads to Albania’s European integration.
There is a long-standing friendship between the Hungarian and Albanian people, and the cooperation of the two countries must be strengthened further, he stressed.
He also said that his country would like to cooperate with Hungary not only in the economy, but equally in the building of educational and cultural relations.