- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/i-sincerely-hope-that-a-period-bringing-more-joy-is-about-to-begin/ -

I sincerely hope that a period bringing more joy is about to begin

Also this year, the Prime Minister’s celebratory message was delivered to the leaders of Jewish organisations in Hungary, he added

Mr Orbán wrote according to the order of the created world, darkness is followed by light, after heavy rain showers comes sunshine, and bitter days are always followed by sweet ones. We are now bidding farewell to a year, he continued, which gave us a fair share of menacing clouds and regrettably, also of bitterness, and “so I sincerely hope that this year the sound of the Shofar will also mark the beginning of a period that will bring more joy”.