- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/in-a-message-prime-minister-viktor-orban-wished-archbishop-gergely-kovacs-wisdom-and-blessed-service/ -

In a message, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wished Archbishop Gergely Kovács wisdom and blessed service

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán began his message with a quote from Áron Márton. He said it is a milestone that a new archbishop enters into office as head of the archdiocese in the year of national cohesion.

He stated that Gergely Kovács was known by most as the postulator of the beatification of Bishop Áron Márton. At the same time, he also performed duties in Rome through which he had gained a unique insight into the cultures and lives of the peoples of Central Europe.

“We are grateful to providence that from now on he may serve – with his extensive knowledge and experience – the diverse community of Catholics in Transylvania at the former post of Transylvania’s confessor bishop, following the path that he designated,” Mr Orbán wrote in his message.