- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/intensifying-migration-pressure-must-be-resisted-both-on-land-and-by-sea/ -

Intensifying migration pressure must be resisted both on land and by sea

The two party presidents said it is their common goal to make the Right the largest political force in Europe again.

At the meeting, which was also attended by Vice-President of Fidesz for international affairs Katalin Novák, the parties discussed the topic of the pressure of migration that is expected to intensify due to the collapse in Afghanistan. They agreed that the mass resettlement of migrants is not the solution; help must be taken there, instead of bringing trouble here.

European countries must resist the pressure of migration intensifying from a number of directions both on land and by sea, Mr Havasi said describing the proceedings of the meeting.