- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/meeting-held-in-parliament-about-protection-of-reduction-of-household-energy-bills/ -

Meeting held in Parliament about protection of reduction of household energy bills

The meeting was attended by Finance Minister Mihály Varga, Minister for Economic Development Márton Nagy, Minister for Technology and Industry László Palkovics, Antal Rogán, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, Government Commissioner for the Maintenance of the Reduction of Household Energy Bills Szilárd Németh, Gábor Bordás, the State Secretary heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister and Chair-Chief Executive Officer of the Hungarian power company MVM Gábor Czepek.

The attendees laid down that in consequence of the prolonged war in Ukraine and the flawed Brussels sanctions, across the whole of Europe energy prices have gone through the roof. However, in Europe, only in Hungary are families being protected with the reduction of household energy bills, and the government will continue to do so also in the future. With the maintenance of the reduction of household energy bills, all Hungarian households will continue to pay reduced household energy prices up to the extent of the average consumption.