- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/nation-building-remains-our-most-important-common-goal/ -

Nation-building remains our most important common goal

The topicality of the meeting was provided by the fact that the next Hungarian-Serbian joint Cabinet meeting will be held on Friday in Budapest, with relation to which at today’s meeting the parties highlighted: cooperation between the two countries is becoming continuously closer, as well as become increasingly concrete and involving more and more areas, the Press Chief said.

Viktor Orbán once again spoke out in favour of EU expansion towards the Western Balkans, which is also of key importance to Vojvodina Hungarians, he added. Mr. Pásztor informed the Prime Minister that thanks to the VMSZ’s role in the administration, the Hungarian community has become a valued part of Serbian society.

At the meeting, the parties reviewed the results achieved to date and the implementation and annual itinerary of the joint economic development programmes being run by the Hungarian Government and the VMSZ, and determined that the performance of tasks is moving forward according to schedule, highlighting the higher level of funding being provided to small and medium-sized enterprises and the land and home purchasing programmes, which contribute to the greatest extent to enabling Vojvodina Hungarians to prosper and remain in the land of their birth.