- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/prime-minister-viktor-orban-convened-medical-research-council/ -

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán convened Medical Research Council

The meeting was attended by President of the Council József Mandl, Vice-President Tibor Wittmann, the Secretary of the Council, and other members of the board, including Professors Tamás Dóczi, Gyula Poór, Péter Sótonyi and Attila Vörös.

Photo: Zoltán Fischer

The Medical Research Council is a review and advisory body attached to the minister responsible for health care which issues positions and makes recommendations on general ethical issues related to medical research, develops ethical guidelines with respect to the principles and practice of biomedical and clinical research, and may also initiate legislation in connection with health care.