- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/prime-minister-viktor-orban-greeted-organisation-of-people-with-physical-disabilities-on-the-occasion-of-jubilee-celebrations/ -

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán greeted organisation of people with physical disabilities on the occasion of jubilee celebrations

The Prime Minister wrote during its forty-year history, MEOSZ have proved time and again the old truth that for one person everything is difficult, but for many nothing is impossible. It is enough to think of the fact that in addition to the improvement of the accessibility of homes and offices, in the past few decades the organisation has enforced the interests of people living with disabilities in a number of ways and in many areas with a view to facilitating daily life and administration, from the refurbishment of the metro to the development of the government’s family support system, he continued.

On behalf of every Hungarian, the Prime Minister said thank you to the organisation for providing considerable help for the government with its proposals, recommendations, opinions and effective interest representation so that they can fulfil their obligations towards compatriots living with disabilities which are also laid down in the Fundamental Law. “I believe we Hungarians have every reason to be proud of our outstanding results, including the fine results of our Paralympic athletes which the community of Hungarian people with physical disabilities have achieved in the past decades, the Prime Minister wrote in conclusion.

In his address, prime ministerial appointee Zsolt Nyitrai said without MEOSZ it would not have been possible to create the law that guarantees the rights and equal opportunities of people living with disabilities and that was a milestone in the area of social achievements in Hungary. He added that in the past decade Hungary has taken significant steps towards improving the quality of life for people with disabilities, their independent lives and social integration. The interest representation organisations of people living with disabilities are the government’s key strategic partners, the ministerial commissioner said, pointing out that helping the independent lives of people with disabilities is a common goal.

He also mentioned that since 2010 the grants provided for the organisations of Hungarians living with disabilities have more than doubled, and will increase in 2022 as well.

In his address, Attila Fülöp, Minister of State for social affairs at the Ministry of Human Capacities reassured the organisation of the government’s cooperation in broadening the opportunities of independent life and personal autonomy. He added that this was not always the case, MEOSZ started its activities in an era when disabilities were surrounded by a culture of silence.

The Minister of State said the government would like equally people living with disabilities and compatriots without disabilities to find advancement in their lives.

He made specific mention of improved telecommunications accessibility for which the government provided grants worth HUF 730 million as well as the broadening of work opportunities which does not only provide a living for people with reduced working capacity, but equally boosts their self-esteem.

Recalling the history of the organisation, president of MEOSZ Ágnes Kovács said their members are committed people who are able to see beyond their own problems, to put them to one side and to inform the incumbent decision-makers of the problems of this social group. In her view, MEOSZ is a rich organisation which derives its wealth from its member organisations and members.

At the ceremony, Mrs Zoltán Balogh, the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County President of people with physical disabilities and MEOSZ Secretary General József Szakály received ministerial certificates of merit.