- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/prime-minister-viktor-orban-had-talks-with-leader-of-spanish-right-wing-party-vox/ -

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had talks with leader of Spanish right-wing party VOX

Photo: Cher Vivien Benko

The meeting with the president of the Spanish party which professes Christian-democratic principles and is opposed to multiculturalism and immigration was also attended by Vice President of Fidesz Katalin Novák.

The parties agreed that in the debate recently initiated about the future of Europe, political parties which stand for the freedom and traditions of European nations and represent many millions of citizens who believe in traditional European values must also have their voice heard.

They added that Europe needs national sovereignty and border protection, appropriate family policies and respect for cultural roots.