As Vice-President of the centre-right party alliance, Mr Orbán was asked to evaluate the political situation in Europe. According to the President of Fidesz, from among the three most important issues there is no definite information on Britain’s exit from the European Union even a few hours before the Wednesday evening EU summit.

He described the situation of the European economy as the second most important topic, highlighting that the slowing down of the performance of some larger EU Member States, including Italy and Germany, gives rise to concern.
The third most important debate topic is the EP election campaign, Mr Orbán said, highlighting that according to surveys the European People’s Party will have fewer representatives in the body than before, and while it can still obtain the number one spot, the big question is whether, due to the anticipated need for forming a coalition, it will unite forces with left-wing and liberal parties. “There is still a great deal of speculation, but this strategic debate will have to be conducted after the elections under any circumstances,” the President of Fidesz said in Brussels, adding that compared with their Western counterparts, Central European right-wing, Christian democratic parties are stronger and enjoy higher voter support.
At six o’clock this afternoon Mr Orbán will attend the special meeting of the European Council which has been convened to Brussels due to the issue of Brexit.