- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/prime-minister-viktor-orban-to-have-talks-in-warsaw-on-tuesday/ -

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to have talks in Warsaw on Tuesday

Earlier, Polish Government Spokesperson Piotr Müller informed the Polish news agency PAP that Mr Orbán was arriving in the Polish capital on Tuesday afternoon.

PAP reported based on unofficial information that the meeting will also be attended by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and that later they will further be joined by the leaders of the two smaller Polish government coalition parties, United Poland and Agreement.

At a press conference held on Tuesday in Warsaw, Mr Morawiecki said ahead of the summit of the European Union’s heads of state and government starting on Thursday, he is “in almost daily consultation with the Hungarian prime minister” regarding topics related to the conditionality attached to EU pay-outs.

According to the Polish government spokesperson’s communication, the two prime ministers consulted on Monday evening as part of a video conference.

Mr Orbán last paid a visit to Warsaw last Monday, while before that he and Mr Morawiecki issued a joint statement in Budapest in which they pointed out that, if necessary, they are ready to veto the EU’s budget and the post-coronavirus epidemic economic recovery fund.