- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/soros-empire-must-be-forced-out-of-hungary/ -

Soros Empire must be forced out of Hungary

Regarding the stakes of the upcoming parliamentary elections, the Prime Minister said the question is whether there will be a national government, or George Soros’s candidates will form a government.

Hungary is a precious country, Mr Orbán continued, “others, too, have set their hearts on it”, especially now that the country has become a transit route for the flow of migrants coming from the south. But “Hungary has protected itself with its fence, and has stopped the migration flow”.

In his view, there are organisations – primarily those forming part of George Soros’s empire – which are working towards dismantling the border fence and turning Hungary into an immigrant country. “If we become an immigrant country, Hungary will not be first; migrants, immigrants and George Soros’s plans will take priority”, he said.

However, “we would like those to continue to remain in the majority who believe that Hungary comes first”, he stated, adding that to secure this goal, a national government is required. The Prime Minister said he hopes that people living in villages and in small towns, too, appreciate the importance of this issue. Smaller Hungarian settlements are also extremely important for the future, Mr Orbán stressed.

In his view, the election decision of 8 April will be equally important from the respect of each settlement’s own fate. Hungarian villages and small towns have a future, and so they must be developed, strengthened and encouraged.

He stated in summary that what is truly at stake in the elections is whether the available funds will be used for the development of villages and small towns, or for building an immigrant country.

Mr Orbán said that on Wednesday, as part of the election campaign, the “spring campaign”, he paid a visit to the constituency which also includes the settlement of Kisbér where he campaigned for the candidate of Fidesz-KDNP, Czunyiné Judit Bertalan. In addition to Kisbér, he also visited Bokod, Dad, Császár and other Bakony settlements.

Regarding Kisbér, he highlighted that he had come to an agreement with Mayor Zoltán Sinkovicz (Fidesz-KDNP) with respect to restoring the town’s old historical centre to its former glory.