- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/tamas-ungvari-was-an-acknowledged-chronicler-of-the-history-of-hungarian-and-universal-culture/ -

Tamás Ungvári was an acknowledged chronicler of the history of Hungarian and universal culture

“Hungarian culture is a work made up of thousands of strands, the precise and credible presentation of which requires not only comprehensible knowledge, but also perseverance and humility. Tamás Ungvári became an internationally acknowledged chronicler of the history of Hungarian and universal culture as a courageous and committed representative of the Hungarian civil intelligentsia”, Viktor Orbán wrote.

“We are grateful for the fact that he enriched Hungary’s cultural life with his literary translations, and literary and scientific works, as well as with his work as a dramaturge and teacher. It is my firm belief that his books will continue to represent the watchfires of the fight against oblivion for many people in future”, he added.