- miniszterelnok.hu - https://2015-2022.miniszterelnok.hu/there-is-agreement-with-french-president-on-the-issue-of-strengthening-of-europe/ -

There is agreement with French President on the issue of strengthening of Europe

The Hungarian Prime Minister said there is no strategic autonomy without a European defence industry, a nuclear capability of our own, and self-sufficiency in agriculture.

“Therefore, we support a common European defence policy, we support nuclear energy, and we support the aspiration for Europe to have a strong agriculture,” Mr Orbán said.

There is a good chance “for us to conduct successful negotiations,” the Prime Minister stated in reference to the ensuing afternoon talks.

He said a French president had last paid a visit to Hungary in 2007.

He said for reasons of weather, May would have been the ideal time for a visit as that is when Budapest and Hungary are the most beautiful but, he added, “for politics December will do”.

Mr Orbán pointed out that Hungary’s relationship to President Macron is based on respect, and as France is a country of encyclopaedists, he accepts the definition that the French President used most recently regarding their relationship: “we are political opponents and European partners all at once”.