Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the convention of current and former students of Christian Roma vocational colleges
23. 01. 2018.
20 January 2018, Budapest
Viktor Orbáns Pressestatement in Kloster Seeon
09. 01. 2018.
5. Januar 2018, Seeon-Seebruck
Doorstep press statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
09. 01. 2018.
5 January 2018, Seeon-Seebruck
Press statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán following his working meeting with Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar
07. 01. 2018.
4 January 2018, Budapest
Press statement by Viktor Orbán following his talks with the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki
07. 01. 2018.
3 January 2018, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the Delegates’ Assembly of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
20. 12. 2017.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the financial summit of the Asia Financial Cooperation Association (AFCA)
29. 11. 2017.
28 November 2017, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s press statement after talks with Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China
29. 11. 2017.
28 November 2017, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s press statement at the China – Central and Eastern Europe Summit
27. 11. 2017.
27 November 2017, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the opening of the China – Central and Eastern Europe summit in Budapest
27. 11. 2017.
27 November 2017, Budapest
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