Viktor Orbán
Hungary's prime minister
59 years of age, a lawyer who graduated from
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
He studied Political Philosophy at Oxford.
President of Fidesz, Vice-President of the Centrist Democratic International
Married to Anikó Lévai,
they have five children: Ráhel, Gáspár, Sára, Róza, and Flóra.


Viktor Orbán married Anikó Lévai in September 1986. They have five children (Ráhel, Gáspár, Sára, Róza and Flóra), the eldest being born in 1989 and the youngest in 2004.
Anikó Lévai graduated as a lawyer. Since 1990 she has worked with the International Children’s Safety Service, which helps disadvantaged children, and since 1998 she has been involved as a charity volunteer with Hungarian Interchurch Aid. She is the author of a book, “From the Kitchen Window”, which was published in 2007.



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Viktor Orbán
1357 Budapest, Pf. 6.

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