Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the international summit “Equal Quality of Products for All”
14. 10. 2017.
13 October 2017, Bratislava
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the inauguration of the new international logistics centre in Páty
14. 10. 2017.
10 October 2017, Páty
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the International Consultation on Christian Persecution
13. 10. 2017.
12 October 2017, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the oath-taking ceremony for police cadets
11. 10. 2017.
9 October 2017, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the event organised by the Partium Christian University to mark the start of the new academic year
04. 10. 2017.
2 October 2017, Nagyvárad (Oradea)
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the consecration of the new Protestant church in Szászfenes
02. 10. 2017.
1 October 2017, Szászfenes (Floreşti)
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the rededication of the Protestant Theological Institute, Kolozsvár
30. 09. 2017.
30 September 2017, Kolozsvár (Cluj)
Viktor Orbán’s press statement following his meeting with Macedonian party leader Nikola Gruevski
29. 09. 2017.
28 September 2017, Ohrid
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the Singapore-Hungary Business Forum
29. 09. 2017.
27 September 2017, Singapore
Viktor Orbán’s press statement following his meeting with Prime Minister of Singapore Li Hsien Loong
28. 09. 2017.
26 September 2017, Singapore
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