Press statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
21. 11. 2016.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the Regional Digital Conference
21. 11. 2016.
17 November 2016, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the conference “Saint Martin and Europe”
15. 11. 2016.
10 November 2016, Budapest
Viktor Orbáns Interview in der Sendung „180 Minuten” von Radio Kossuth
11. 11. 2016.
11. November 2016
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s laudation when presenting the Hungarian Order of Merit Grand Cross with Chain and Golden Radiant Star to President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev
10. 11. 2016.
10 November 2016, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s press statement after the 16+1 Summit between Central and Eastern European countries and China
07. 11. 2016.
5 November 2016, Riga
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the official ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution
25. 10. 2016.
23 October 2016, Budapest
Viktor Orbáns Festrede
24. 10. 2016.
23. Oktober 2016, Budapest
Przemówienie Viktora Orbána z okazji święta narodowego Powstania ’56
23. 10. 2016.
23 października 2016, Budapeszt (Plac Bohaterów)
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s press conference in Brussels after the EU summit
23. 10. 2016.
21 October 2016
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