Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s address in Parliament before the start of daily business
04. 10. 2016.
3 October 2016, Budapest
Viktor Orbán’s press conference after the announcement of referendum results
03. 10. 2016.
Budapest, 2 October 2016
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the award ceremony for Hungarian medallists at the XXXI Summer Olympics and XV Summer Paralympics
24. 09. 2016.
23 September 2016, Budapest
Viktor Orbáns Rede zum 15. Jahrestag des Bestehens der Deutschsprachigen Andrássy Universität Budapest
21. 09. 2016.
Budapest, 15. September 2016
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech on the 15th anniversary of the foundation of the Andrássy Gyula Budapest German Language University
21. 09. 2016.
15 September 2016, Budapest
Viktor Orbán’s press conference after an extraordinary meeting of the European Council
18. 09. 2016.
16 September 2016, Bratislava
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s address in Parliament before the start of daily business
14. 09. 2016.
Budapest, 12 September 2016
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s press statement after the meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrád Four and Ukraine
07. 09. 2016.
7 September 2016, Krynica-Zdrój
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s acceptance speech after receiving the “Person of the Year” award
07. 09. 2016.
Viktor Orbán’s press statement after his talks with Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia
06. 09. 2016.
Belgrade, 5 September 2016
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