Based on the decree entering into effect on 23 November, between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. all commercial P+R facilities, parking garages, enclosed overground parking facilities and non-enclosed overground parking facilities situated in residential areas will be available for parking to members of the public free of charge. During these hours, the operators of facilities will be required to make parking free.
Mr Havasi further informed MTI that, based on the Prime Minister’s initiative, another government decree was also adopted. According to this, the parking facilities of centrally financed agencies and state-owned companies situated on public premises will be available free of charge to everyone between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. In the decision, the government requests local governments to take measures within their own competence to open the parking facilities of local governments and municipality-owned business associations to members of the public from Monday, and to inform members of the public about their decisions regarding this matter within 48 hours, the press chief said.