Viktor Orbáns Rede am Tag der Nationalen Zusammengehörigkeit
07. 06. 2019.
4. Juni 2019, Sátoraljaújhely
Speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on the Hungarian Day of National Cohesion
05. 06. 2019.
Sátoraljaújhely, 4 June 2019
Rede Viktor Orbáns vor der Tagesordnung im ungarischen Parlament
28. 05. 2019.
27. Mai 2019, Budapest
Viktor Orbán’s address to the Hungarian parliament before the start of daily business
28. 05. 2019.
27 May 2019, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech on the night of the European Parliament election
27. 05. 2019.
26 May 2019, Budapest
Viktor Orbáns Rede in der Nacht der Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament
27. 05. 2019.
26. Mai 2019, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture’s 3rd “Farmland Days and Agricultural Machinery Show”
24. 05. 2019.
23 May 2019, Mezőfalva
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the formal opening of the first phase of the ZalaZONE automotive test track
21. 05. 2019.
20 May 2019, Zalaegerszeg
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at a gala evening marking the 150th anniversary of the founding of Pick Szeged Zrt. and the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Bonafarm Group
20. 05. 2019.
16 May 2019, Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at a thanksgiving mass to mark the rededication of Saint George’s Church after its renovation
20. 05. 2019.
17 May 2019, Nagykáta
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